$ whoami

I’m an Embedded Software Engineer, digital privacy geek and a wannabe researcher in wireless protocols and firmware security. This newsletter features posts about embedded research & development, digital privacy, tech policy, and sometimes general thoughts.

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All content is free for all readers, and you won’t find any paywalls here. That being said, I will be immensely grateful for any donations because it will be a huge motivation to write more frequently on different topics.

I accept only Bitcoin and Monero cryptocurrencies. The reason is I’m reluctant to setup Stripe for this and give up more data that, probably, has been given up.

Monero: 83nTfzh6ueXJ6ZD2Xm74CJQB2NrDuKoHBZrGSJ4qnSvgYSo1oCsXqyZgAVAMHhydCrjZ6mreMVq2wj85BHKDb7AvDP2VrqS

Bitcoin: bc1qdat8qxz4vlj584tgzx8ss3ken04x5hpj9wjf5e

PayNym: PM8TJawhNQghHiyV9FkVprvrqkH145u7jPYvMpVvodHJuYkBtW2j5MYzQKrZFhU8NQaUZcuCQZ2a72MjbmnCveU66DfNxD5X7HBP8JPnagx68JcbagDe

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Subscribe to Tales and stories of one Embedded Software Engineer 💙💛

(Thoughts && !Prayers) on digital privacy, embedded development and tech policy


Wanderer of world, eternal apprentice and privacy aficionado